Yin Yang Tattoo Art – A Symbol of Balance and Harmony

Yin Yang tattoo art has become a very popular choice for both men and women. The…

Beauty and Strangeness – Poe’s Ligeia

Edgar Allan Poe’s Gothic tale “Ligeia” is a study of the supernatural and of feminine beauty.…

Big Trouble If Your Dog Bites a Utility Worker on Your Property

Q: We have three dogs that are inside and outside dogs. During the day, we have…

Understanding Mind Body Spirit – The Trinity Explained

The mind is very active, and when it chooses to be separated and conflicting it can…

The Golden Mean

The golden mean is the desirable middle between two extremes, one of excess and the other…

Art Mediums & Means Of Expression

‘What counts most is finding new ways to get the world down in paint on my…