Cubism, Picasso and Michelangelo – What Links Them?

At the dawn of the 20th century, painters in Paris began experimenting with new ideas. Among…

Why We Need An Actual Balance Of Powers?: 4 Specifics!

This nation’s Founding Fathers, seemed to realize, and recognize, perhaps, because, of their frustrations, previously, under…

Black Literature: Hughes, Cullen, Baraka, and Madhubuti

The term “Jazzoetry” was coined by the Last Poets, who used it as the name of…

Writing the Personal Narrative

Personal Narrative Defined: The personal narrative is a compositional piece of writing, usually employing the first…

How to Write Hindi Lyrics?

Every year we notice too many Hindi movies hit the cinema halls and it’s quite difficult…

Popular Teen Hairstyles

There are many teen hairstyles today that emphasize the brave new spirit of teenagers in our…