The New Balance Elliptical Machine – An Educated Choice in Quality

As a new kid on the block, the New Balance elliptical machines places fifth on a…

Qualities of a Good Music Composer

Music has always fascinated people in every era – irrespective of their gender, age and ethnicity.…

How Is Feminism Reflected in Literature?

The written word has always been a tool for spreading awareness into the masses. Documenting human…

The Melian Dialogue

I was once asked to study and discuss the opposing views of Athens does Thucydides present…

Understanding Cloud Computing or a Pay-As-You-Go Utility Model

Let’s understand what cloud computing and “Pay-As-You-Go” (PAYG) models are. Let’s first tackle PAYG. Simply put,…

An Overview of the Concept Behind RSS Feeds

RSS Feeds stands for Really Simple Syndication. Other times it is also called Rich Site Summary.…