Acid Alkaline Balance and Chronic Pancreatitis

What is the relationship between acid alkaline balance and pancreatitis? There is a direct link between these conditions. To say more, whole body acidity can cause pancreatitis.

Everything what we eat goes to the stomach and then semi-digested food moves into the duodenum; first part of the small intestine. Here, pancreatic enzymes digest most of the proteins and carbohydrates and 90% of the fats.

Pancreatic enzymes can digest foods only if pH in duodenum would be more than 7.0, thus alkaline. You can eat the healthiest foods in the world, but if you do not have alkaline environment inside the duodenum, pancreatic enzymes cannot perform their job and indigestion occurs.

Undigested food collects in the small intestine, ferments by bacteria and yeast causing gas, bloating, heartburn and cramps. Countless, toxic substances are produced during fermentation causing irritation, and internal toxicity. Our organism attempts to get rid of this waste, but has only two directions for it: up to the mouth, or down to the anus. If the toxic undigested food moves up it leads to nausea, vomiting, heartburn, upper abdominal pain, what is very similar to symptoms of the chronic pancreatitis. If this poisonous undigested mass moves down it leads to irritation, diarrhea, constipation, bowel inflammation, and lower abdominal pain, what is highly similar to symptoms of the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in persons with chronic pancreatitis.

Acidic changes in body’s acid-alkaline balance also produce significant changes in biochemistry of the bile. It is known, bile is produced by the liver and bile helps to digest the fats. Also through the bile, liver removes fat-soluble toxins from the body such as heavy metals, cholesterol, alcohol, drugs, medications, etc.

If the bile is getting acidic organism cannot properly digest fats, so fatty foods cause discomfort, fullness, pain, and nausea. Furthermore, acidic bile becomes extremely aggressive, toxic fluid that irritates the gut’s walls, causes ulcers and wrong way traffic for bile; reflux.

Aggressive mixture of the acidic bile and acidic pancreatic juice mixed with toxic undigested food, due to jerky contractions of the gut’s walls is thrown up into the stomach and esophagus. It is accompanied with severe and persistent heartburn. This is a real picture what happens in the gastrointestinal tract if the body becomes acidic, and also pancreatic juice, and bile.

What goes on inside the pancreas in case of over acidity and how does it related to pancreatitis? A few problems are particularly important to know about pancreas. First problem, pancreas is alkaline gland; pancreatic juice is the most alkaline solution in the body with pH 8.3-8.5.

To make pancreatic juice to be alkaline, pancreas takes bicarbonate and some minerals from the blood. If the whole body acidity occurs, amount of the bicarbonate and alkaline minerals in the blood decreases so pancreas cannot take them and produce the normal, alkaline pancreatic juice. As a result, the pH of the pancreatic juice drops less than 7.0; it is getting acidic.

Second problem, pancreas is the unique organ in our body. There is no such organ in our body, as pancreas that can create self-destruction. Pancreas is only one organ that can destroy itself. Normally pancreas produces very strong, digestive, pancreatic enzymes in an inactive form. In case of acidity, digestive, pancreatic enzymes begin to activate inside the pancreas causing self-digestion; pancreatitis.

Self-digestion leads to inflammation of the pancreatic tissue; it destroys structure and kills the pancreatic cells. By analogy, it is remarkably similar to disaster in the atomic reactor when it starts meltdown and destroys itself. Disasters in the Fukushima in Japan and Chernobyl in Ukraine are the example of self-destruction. Acidity kills the pancreas in many ways, which I described in books and articles. Therefore, healing actions in case of chronic pancreatitis need to focus on acid-alkaline balance.

Many researches and medical articles assert that, in chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic juice is getting acidic; thus it makes acidic milieu in the duodenum. Acidity in duodenum means low digestion. What has to be done? Restoration of the normal acid-alkaline balance in the body is crucial to all persons with indigestion, specifically for people with chronic pancreatitis.

From school’s chemistry, it is known that to neutralize the acidity, it is needed alkaline minerals and bicarbonate. Our body cannot produce these substances; therefore, we need to get them naturally from alkaline foods, healing mineral water, cellular magnesium- potassium supplements.

European doctors have known this for hundreds of years. All over the Europe, there are many healthy mineral spas where people drink healing mineral water for several digestive disorders. The most researched is healing mineral water from the famous thermal spring in Karlovy Vary, in the Czech Republic. 500 years people use this unique gift from earth.

250 years ago, doctors in Karlovy Vary proposed to vaporize the water to make genuine Karlovy Vary thermal spring salt for using at home. European medical doctors proved that mineral water, prepared from genuine Karlovy Vary thermal spring salt, has healing properties that are similar to spring water. According to medical research, Karlovy Vary healing mineral water is hugely beneficial for people with chronic pancreatitis, digestive and liver disorders.

How to get an idea, is organism acidic or alkaline? If the body is over acidic, it tries to remove acidic substances through the body fluids such as saliva and urine. Measurement by litmus paper of the saliva and urine pH may open window inside the body acid-alkaline balance. If your saliva and urine pH are less than 6.6, your body probably is acidic. In my practice, I can see many positive changes in the people’s digestive health after normalizing acid-alkaline balance in the body

Alkaline natural diet is healthy, particularly for a person with chronic pancreatitis. I described this in details, in book. The worse enemy for inflamed pancreas is alcohol. Please, do not prove it on yourself. There are not good and safe doses of alcohol for people with chronic pancreatitis.

Seventy percent of pancreatitis relate to alcohol consumption because the alcohol is toxic, acidic substances that activate digestive enzymes inside the pancreas. Each upper abdominal pain, especially after drinking alcohol can be highly suspicious to mild attack of pancreatitis; therefore, it needs medical evaluation. After pancreatitis was diagnosed, keeping the right, slightly alkaline acid-alkaline balance is not luxury. It is vital.

The information on this article is presented for educational, informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, and advice of a qualified licensed professional.

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