One of the most powerful ideas I’ve ever encountered is The Stickman Concept. After attending literally more than one hundred seminars on success with little improvement in our results, seeing the Stickman Concept demonstrated helped us finally triple our income in just a few months. It has been the greatest tool for understanding principles of prosperity that I’ve ever experienced.
A little history first: so the story goes, it was first developed by Dr. Thurman Fleet in the 1930’s. I learned it from my friend and mentor, Bob Proctor in 2000 and have since been certified by his company to teach it. I bet you’re wondering now, “So, what IS it?”
It is a visual representation of how our mind works, and it succinctly demonstrates how it’s true that “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” If you want to enjoy more prosperity than ever before, it’s something you really need to see, and it’s available for free.
It gives you a visual image of some of the most abstract but fundamental principles of success… something you can see… something that helps you change your life. It changed mine.
How can a simple drawing make that much of a difference? Why does it work so well? Let me explain it this way…
Suppose I give you a simple math problem, and I verbally say:
“What is the sum of sixty one million, seven hundred fifty-five and ten thousand twenty-three?”
Maybe you’d think, “I know that’s an easy problem, but I can’t really do anything with it until I simplify it with symbols and see it on paper.”
So you get a pencil and put this down:
+ 10,023
It’s the same problem; but don’t you just feel differently about it when it looks simple? How we feel about something has a whole lot to do with how well we do.
So now, how long have you been studying success principles? How many seminars have you been to? How many self-help books have you read, and how many audios have you listened to? How many articles have you read?
Perhaps you’ve bought into the notion that the concepts are supposedly simple, and they do make sense, but just like reading or listening to a long, drawn-out arithmetic problem, your mind may tend to go into overload to the point that you are unable to get the job done.
The principles of success are simple, but there’s a lot of verbiage going on, isn’t there? For me, prosperity was elusive so long as I couldn’t simultaneously wrap my brain around ALL of the countless tidbits of advice I had received in the one-hundred (plus) seminars I attended.
So, what if I could show you a visual, symbolic representation of how to succeed, so that implementing everything you’ve been learning becomes dramatically more simple than ever? (At no charge, of course.) I could describe it in this article, but that’s just more verbiage . . . and it would be quite a bit of it at that. You know, “draw a circle at the top of your paper, and then a line coming down to the blah, blah, blah . . . yadda, yadda, yadda . . .”
The visual presentation of the Stickman Concept makes success simple. It makes prosperity reachable. It gives you something to “see” in your head when you are trying to change old thought habits, and gives you a visual tool to understand what’s happening when you’re facing challenges, setbacks, frustrations, and fears. Furthermore, it helps you know just what to do when that happens. Watch the no-charge Stickman Video and see what I mean. It’s time to prosper!