Some men have boobs that are very annoying and can greatly affect their level of confidence. This condition is known medically as Gynecomastia and is not something that is especially rare. Some men start to develop male boobs since their early age, and some only develop them when hey react their 40’s or 50’s. Many men decide to undergo surgical procedures to get rid of their boobs, but some choose to try natural ways, as surgery is expensive and the results may not be what is expected. There are several ways you can get rid of your male “breastiness” naturally.
First of all, one way is by doing exercises that focus on developing muscles in the chest. The exercise includes chest presses, push-ups, flies and bench presses. It is better to get a personal trainer so you can tell the trainer about your problem, and so that the exercise can focus on this problem area, along with doing other exercises targeting other parts of the body. Other aerobic exercises such as basketball, tennis, cycling, cardio, running and walking can also help you in giving your chest a proper shape rather than the extra boobs. However, you must first understand that the goal of all the exercises above is not to burn the fat in the chest, as when you do exercises, your body does not specifically burn fat in the area you are working on, but rather it burns fat from all fatty deposits. You must do one or two of those aerobic exercises combined with the gym session, with total exercising about five to six times per week to achieve the best results.
In addition to that, you ought to follow a healthy diet by avoiding foods high in carbohydrates, sugars and fats. Foods such as white rice and white bread contain high carbohydrates and therefore you should avoid them. You should instead consume foods with food that contain a lower proportion of carbohydrates and fat, such as brown rice and whole wheat bread.
As male boobs may also be caused by higher levels of estrogen in proportion to testosterone, you should also try to reduce the level of estrogen by consuming more fish, green vegetables, brown rice and red meat. In order to boost the level of testosterone, you should consume foods that will boost this hormone, such as eggs and asparagus. By staying on the diet and doing exercises regularly, you will be able to reduce the size of your male boobs and start to show a more normal manly chest.