The New Balance Elliptical Machine – An Educated Choice in Quality

As a new kid on the block, the New Balance elliptical machines places fifth on a list of ten for consumer top choices, preferring it to Icon models and a Keys trainer. With three models – New Balance 8.0, New Balance 9.0, or New Balance 9.5 – the overall design of the 9.0 and 9.5 models is more appealing to the public with their good ergonomics and ease of use. The New Balance is from a company that used to make shoes and clothing apparel, which have branched out to license their elliptical machines through Fitness Quest in Taiwan. Elliptical training machines have become highly popular in a short period of time, and most companies are new to the business, other than Precor and Life Fitness. It is very hard to establish a company’s track record other than hr

The New Balance price range is from $700-$1,200, sold at Fogdog, Sports Authority, and Dick’s Sporting Goods – along with selling at online retailers. Reviewers enjoy the design of the consoles and the selection of programs they have, but the machines are so new it is hard to get a good evaluation on it. How do you know if the New Balance Elliptical machine is the best product for your needs? Simple – try it out if you can, or read the reviews, as most of us do not have the ability to try one out in advance unless we live in an area where there are many elliptical sporting stores. But, if you are looking for a quality unit that is going to give you the ability to succeed, then look at the New Balance line of elliptical machines.

The top of the line for the New Balance is the 9.5 that the Consumer Report’s ratings emphasizing its ease of use, ergonomics, and the exercise range. They rated the quality as “Good” which means it is an average machine. The 9.5 frame is the same as the 9.0, which is designed with the flywheel located at the front, rather than the rear. The stride is slightly longer than the previous version, with an 18″ stride for a better elliptical motion. There are 8 levels of resistance in the 9.0, which has been increased to 12.0 levels in the 9.5 versions. Levels of resistance are important in the elliptical machines, as this is what builds up muscles, and increases cardiovascular activities. Take the time to really check out what the New Balance line has to offer, and then go back and look for reviews of their products to learn how well they have helped others. When you do this, you are going to be able to make an educated choice in the elliptical machine. New Balance does provide you with many of the features that are essential to a quality workout with an elliptical machine, and they provide for a high quality design and the ease of use that is very essential. On top of that, they provide for an affordable price for what they offer.

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