If you are running in your new balance 574 shoes, chances are you are also going to be sweating in them and that can cause them to have a terrible odor. This odor can be even worse if your toes stay wet for too long because of the bacteria that can grow between your toes.
So, that said here are 5 tips you can use to keep your running shoes from smelling really terrible.
Number 1:
Make certain that you choose the right kind of socks because when you wear a good pair of socks that are made for running, they will to keep your feet and shoes dryer. The reason for this is that most running socks are made from a synthetic material rather than cotton which tends to absorb the moisture, keeping your feet wet. So try to avoid wearing cotton socks when running. The best socks are the ones made from polyester or acrylic materials but you may choose to wear wool socks during the winter.
Number 2:
Keep your new balance 574 shoes in a proper storage area where it they will be kept cool and dry. Another thing you may want to do is to take the insoles out of the shoes to help keep them drier and to keep bacteria from being allowed to grow.
Number 3:
Keep two or more pairs of shoes available for running and alternate between them. Giving your shoes time to air out in between running periods will also help to keep them dry which will keep them from growing bacteria that can cause odors. Also, when you alternate shoes each time you run, you decrease the chances of injury that can be caused when running because it is best to run with a pair of fresh, dry shoes.
Number 4:
You may want to consider getting an extra pair of inserts such as dr. scholl’s or one of the now popular gel inserts which will not only give you extra cushioning to protect your feet and knees but can also be taken out easily to air them out. You can buy a pair for each pair of new balance 574 shoes or whatever running shoes you do have or you can let them air out and use the same pair in all of your shoes. However, I would recommend keeping at least 2 pair of these as well.
Keeping your shoes as dry as possible will also help to prevent athlete’s foot which is a condition where your feet begin to crack and will also begin to feel itchy. This is caused by your feet being exposed to too much moisture over an extended period of time, such as leaving your running shoes left unattended and moist. Making certain that your feet are completely dry before putting your socks on can help prevent this condition as well.
Number 5:
Keep a box of baking soda in your home so that you can sprinkle some into your shoes after each run. This is a fantastic way to help absorb moisture and is sure to help prevent your shoes from getting that awful odor often associated with running shoes.
Keep these tips in mind whether you choose to wear new balance 574 shoes or a different style of running shoes. Your feet and your shoes will thank you for it.